Change Management

The life of an entrepreneur is marked by change processes that need to be planned, managed and successfully concluded. Success factor number one in this respect is the availability of sufficient, capable human resources.

Our valuable experience gained from many years working as project managers and managing directors give our customers the peace of mind that our work will be target-driven and cost-oriented. We consider each change process to be a project under high time and cost pressures, and which must therefore be rigorously pursued in a target-driven manner.

Examples, where 2ZET AG can support:
  • If the continuation of the business is under threat, what is required are cool heads, appropriate expertise and plans to ensure stabilisation and competitiveness.  The existing management team requires the assistance of external experts who are familiar with change management.
  • Site closures and relocations require management resources or skills that are not available within one’s own company.
  • Companies that find themselves faced with or in the middle of a change process are unattractive to successful line managers, until such time as the process is complete. Interim management by an experienced leader is offered for this phase.
  • If experienced executives leave the company, young professionals can be offered a career move. Coaching by experienced professionals will prevent upcoming talent becoming overtaxed.
  • Despite strong core competencies and excellent products, competitive pressure is so great that it seems that all that’s left are shrinking margins. Experience shows that unexpected savings potential within the value chain can be realised through optimised processes and new structures.

2ZET AG supports the following change processes:

A. Interim Management

  • CEO Interim management for industrial & service sectors
  • CFO interim management for industrial and service sectors
  • COO interim management for industries

B. Training / coaching of junior staff management (General Management)

  • Company-external coaching
  • Training on the Job

C. Location changes

  • Relocation
  • Site closure

D. Optimization / Remediation

  • New definitions of roles
  • Optimization the structure of the organization
  • Holistic Process Redesign
  • Recovery Management
  • Outsourcing of functions or products
  • Company closures
Please contact us for more information without any obligation.